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Saturday 9 November 2019

LotTO Character Line-up: WIP Preview

Just to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about this project. My current work on this involves making a scale height chart with all the characters of the game.

To this end, I began measuring the heights of each character  (as well as dick size). I used Kay as a reference, since it is obvious she is inspired by Krystal from Star Fox, or is actually meant to be Krystal, and we know Krystal's official height is 173cm (5ft 8in). Of course since each heroine character is the same height, any of them will do for the measurement.

Making those measrements.

Now, did DirtyC101 think about exact height and dick size in this way? I highly doubt it, but I wanted to stay true to the original game where possible.

I also included measurements from the LOK Rebirth game (unrelated to DirtyC101), and well as measurements from K. Fox & the Magic Sword for good measure.

Some interesting notes from this:
  • Security Chief Roc is only 176cm (5'9") although he is obviously very built and broad.
  • Even with high heels, the Wood Elf women are a tiny 151cm (4'11")!
  • Wood Elf men have 6" dicks. It might be average size IRL but in this game they look small lol
  • Vendel is 208cm (6'10"), and has a 12" cock. Still over 1" short of the real World Record holder for biggest penis, which is 13.5"
  • The standard Lizardmen from K. Fox & the Magic Sword had 14" cocks, with about an 11" girth. The events of LotTO must feel like a piece of cake for Kay by comparision!
With these measurements recorded, I began a full character line-up which is still Work In Progress.

I'm pleased with the designs for Beka and the Human Woman. I made Beka's dress less practical and more focused on fashion and looks. I'm sure she would have more practical clothes, but since in the story she's going out to seduce and distract Vendel, picking such clothes would probably help her.

The human barbarians are quite physical and show strength in their combat styles, so I made their bodies reflect this. I tried to make the human female look very strong without compromising traditional femininity much.

If Beka were real I think her uterus and other organs would have been in trouble if she had actually gotten railed by Vendel...thankfully the power of porn anatomy must have saved her.

So far I have only finished Beka, the Human Female, and Vendel is nearly there too. I tried to give the human female a middle eastern appearance, since I think that suits the setting of LotTO. Interestingly, all humans in the game have green eyes by default. I am also working under the theory that Beka is a Half-Elf, hence her shorter stature, darker skin, and purple eyes.

Let me know what you think of this line-up art I'm working on!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, will do, let me know any thoughts or ideas you have, I might be able to incorporate them somehow :)

    2. I would like to see the elves.

    3. Yeah they're definitely on the way! I have several ideas for them that I want to convey, you'll see next post I make!

  2. I like what I am seeing and please let me thank you for doing what you are doing. If I can think of anything I will let you know first hand.
