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Monday 10 June 2019

LotTO Title Graphic and Magic Circle

The current title screen for LotTO looks rather basic at the moment, so I thought about giving it a title graphic. I'm using high-res pixel based imagery when I know I should probably be using vector-based imagery, but currently I just know Photoshop best so that's what I'm using.

The current menu. I do like the visual of the twin orbs in the box, however I think given this is a sex game perhaps something more titillating would be better. No doubt something to consider/address eventually.

My "Version 1" of a title Graphic:

And an asymmetric variant:

I've split this up into two components, stylistically. One for "Furry Fury" and the other for "Legend of the Twin Orbs". As "Furry Fury" is apparently a series name, given DirtyC made a previous beta game called "Furry Fury: Beta at the Beach". I decided to give Furry Fury a Street Fighter inspired logo, going with a brushed font and copying the styles used in those logos:

A previous title idea I'd tried:

In the end I felt it was important to have red and blue in the title, corresponding to the titular red and blue Twin Orbs. The title font also includes two circles in the letter O's which felt fitting. Yes, the white splatter is added for exactly the reason you think. I used retro-style gradients, since I felt that might be a nice visual callback to older side-scrolling action/fighting games.

I felt including some addtional graphic would work well, similarly to some Final Fantasy title graphics. I decided to go with my own version of the magic circle seen around the yellow Protector Orb:

For my version, I decided to emphasise the three circles around the main ring with inclusions of triangles. I'm theorising the outer circles might be for the 3 main characters to stand in at some point in the story, for some kind of magic ritual. I based some of the magic glyphs on what DirtyC created, but added more to fill out some of the other sections of the ring. Finally I added some weathering to the lines, since it seems the Protector Orb has been around for a long time:

Overall I think this could all do with more work, but I think I'm pleased with this as a foundation point to work off from.


  1. I’m very much enjoying your works, even if I don’t agree with every change you make: seeing someone as passionate as I am about a fairly simple hentai game is nice! Please keep up the good work, I look forward to your art!

  2. Thank you for your comment! I'd be curious to know where you disagree in terms of design, it could well be something I hadn't considered and that I'll keep in mind going forward. This game isn't exactly something I've really discussed with anyone so new inputs are very welcome :)

  3. Well you see, I loved playing as the human character as a sort of self insert character, the designs you thought up make sense and are awesome! But it’s veering off of just a normal human character and more into someone with a backstory who’s their own thing. But I digress, seeing this stuff done for the game is very exciting to see and I like a lot of it!

    1. I get what you mean about making Farah less of a self-insert character. Personally, I saw it as just accentuating the character that is already shown in the game. If you compare her dialogue to the other two heroines, you can see she does have personality and she has her own story too of course. I'd be curious to know if many other players feel similarly to you though, it's a very valid point!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, will do, even if it's slow progress!
