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Saturday 9 November 2019

LotTO Character Line-up: WIP Preview

Just to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about this project. My current work on this involves making a scale height chart with all the characters of the game.

To this end, I began measuring the heights of each character  (as well as dick size). I used Kay as a reference, since it is obvious she is inspired by Krystal from Star Fox, or is actually meant to be Krystal, and we know Krystal's official height is 173cm (5ft 8in). Of course since each heroine character is the same height, any of them will do for the measurement.

Making those measrements.

Now, did DirtyC101 think about exact height and dick size in this way? I highly doubt it, but I wanted to stay true to the original game where possible.

I also included measurements from the LOK Rebirth game (unrelated to DirtyC101), and well as measurements from K. Fox & the Magic Sword for good measure.

Some interesting notes from this:
  • Security Chief Roc is only 176cm (5'9") although he is obviously very built and broad.
  • Even with high heels, the Wood Elf women are a tiny 151cm (4'11")!
  • Wood Elf men have 6" dicks. It might be average size IRL but in this game they look small lol
  • Vendel is 208cm (6'10"), and has a 12" cock. Still over 1" short of the real World Record holder for biggest penis, which is 13.5"
  • The standard Lizardmen from K. Fox & the Magic Sword had 14" cocks, with about an 11" girth. The events of LotTO must feel like a piece of cake for Kay by comparision!
With these measurements recorded, I began a full character line-up which is still Work In Progress.

I'm pleased with the designs for Beka and the Human Woman. I made Beka's dress less practical and more focused on fashion and looks. I'm sure she would have more practical clothes, but since in the story she's going out to seduce and distract Vendel, picking such clothes would probably help her.

The human barbarians are quite physical and show strength in their combat styles, so I made their bodies reflect this. I tried to make the human female look very strong without compromising traditional femininity much.

If Beka were real I think her uterus and other organs would have been in trouble if she had actually gotten railed by Vendel...thankfully the power of porn anatomy must have saved her.

So far I have only finished Beka, the Human Female, and Vendel is nearly there too. I tried to give the human female a middle eastern appearance, since I think that suits the setting of LotTO. Interestingly, all humans in the game have green eyes by default. I am also working under the theory that Beka is a Half-Elf, hence her shorter stature, darker skin, and purple eyes.

Let me know what you think of this line-up art I'm working on!

Friday 9 August 2019

LotTO Desert Concept and initial Character designs

The following is a concept piece for the game, focusing on Farah as she looks upon the crashed spaceship on the morning of the Peace Festival. At a stretch you might say it's an idea for the game's menu?

I included an updated logo, where the background glyph is just white, since the purple and green logo from before just struck me as far too busy colour-wise.

Just to visually distinguish this as a fantasy/sci-fi setting, I decided to include two moons in the sky to distinguish it from Earth. Also this loosely connects to the titular "twin orbs". Perhaps the moons should have been the same size to make this work thematically better, but I decided to go with more physics-based realism (I can't help myself) since, in terms of stable orbits, having one of the moons of the moon being smaller is far more realistic.

Farah, wearing leather and metal lamellar armour, made of metal and leather segments corded together. Lamellar armour was historically popular with middle-eastern peoples (as well as many other parts of the world) and is a good (and cheaper) construction principle for making leather armour than making something like a solid leather cuirass.

Here is Farah but with full-steel lamellar armour. This is originally what I was going to go for but I changed it last-minute to what you see above to fit in more with the original colour configuration. Admittedly, it's nonsensical to have steel shoulder armour, but then weaker, leather armour for the torso where vital organs are. If we go for the original colour scheme, perhaps we could just say that she DOES have steel on her torso, but that it's just covered in something like a leather surcoat.

Finally, a full-metal variant but with red fabric underneath and with blue highlights (sash belt and cording). This is what I'd go for to also keep in line with my ideas about the colour theming of the game, although it looks the most different to the original.

I tried to mostly adhere to Farah's original design and colours, whilst still updating it and making it fit in with my design ideas. Her sword was based on the Chinese Jian sword, since that's what DirtyC's original design most reminded me of to begin with. Of course, I made sure to include a slit for her thighs to be exposed, that's one of my favourite parts of the original. To match the exposure of her legs, I also removed the sleeves, which I think helps to visually balance-out the design.

Historical lamellar armour informed the choice of the type of armour Farah would have by default, however this specific modern leather lamellar armour was the main design reference for the art.

 The crashed M.I.S.S Tomato, based on the 3D model I made before. Again, I'll reiterate that I think it could do with a new name. To emphasise the fact that the ship is really damaged, I made the fire inside the ship visible from the outside, including smoke too.

Sketching out the image. I changed the orientation of the moons as a compositional technique so they "point" to Farah, and hopefully keep the eye looking in a loop from the title to the moon to Farah to the ship etc..

Using the 3D model as refernce.

Sketching Farah out.

I'm pleased with the piece, but I have to admit the effort put into it may have been better spent designing other elements that can more readily be used in the game. Still, at least I got some environment painting practice.

Hero body base, Silhouettes, and "Zombie" crewman sketch

Some sketches at various stages or progression of the heroin's "body base" with one that I've made adapted into Farah. Kay and Lei Lei would not be as muscular as Farah, since they are different classes.

I like the idea that Farah is strong and built (but not in a masculine way), Lei Lei is soft and curvy and thicc, and Kay is lean and toned. What do you guys think?

  VERY basic mock-up colouring just to get an idea for what this might look like when done properly. Will definitely need to be refined.

The body definitely still needs work.

I think I would like there to be a side position for walking/running, and then a resting/idle position that is closer to a 3/4 view. Doing that for each character and the costumes (as well as the various stages of costume destruction) would be a lot more work, but I think it would look better, and introduce more options for sex scenes.

Concept for the blue wolf "zombie" crew member of the crashed Alliance ship. Considered giving him a canine dick with a knot, but I'm (k)not sure I should. Thoughts anyone? See the pic below:

No way this guy won't have dog tags in the end, they look cool IMO.  Also, I purposefully made him more muscular, taller looking, and traditionally masculine. 

Below, I did some silhouettes of the three heroines of the game, to focus on shape, and to try and characterise and distinguish them visually that way.

Farah was the obviously going to be square, being the tank, but Lei Lei and Kay were a bit trickier. 
Visually, Kay didn't really have a silhouette other than the base body shape, given her skin tight body suit, but triangular shapes usually go well with the martial artist/rogue/ninja character class she most closely resembles, so I tried to do that, but it ended up making her feel a bit bulky. Here, I've mostly just gone with the form fitting suit, but instead added military inspired details, such as the grips on her boots, the survival vest of real fighter pilots, and a pistol thigh holster. I did vaguely try to make the silhouette of her head somewhat triangular, taking onto account her pointy ears, pointy-ish-ish snout and then accordingly using her tied-back hair to try and make it fit. I think I might try to do more in future to make her silhouette more angular (such as the angular shoulder pads I have included) but this is what I'm going with for now.

The pilot from the Halo: Infinite trailer had a cool but grounded sci-fi pilot survival vest design. I like the padded "n" shaped bit around his neck.

An actual fighter pilot outfit, just as a design reference to work off of for Kay's design. Alas, not sexy enough.

For Lei Lei, I basically just went with round/circular shapes just because it is distinct from the other two, however, I think it does suit her well. She's not physically threatening compared to the others, and her personality seems a lot softer and kinder than Farah's more honour-bound mentality, and Kay's more scrappy, punch-first-ask-questions-later personality. I gave her hair (obviously not that visible her) that's tied up in a nice round bun.

The biggest change was Lei Lei's hat of course, which was originally triangular "witch's hat", but that I've now made round. This was partially inspired by the distinctly east-Asian design elements DirtyC incorporated, namely her footwear that seems to be based on Japanese geta. I therefore decided to take inspiration from the Asian conical hat, and hats like the jingasa, combined with wanting to make the silhouette show circular form to revamp this aspect of Lei Lei. Finally, I added to circular detailing to make her short robes look a little more interesting.

An Asian conical hat.

Kinda pointed arabian style boots for Farah? Also I think the base body boobs might be too big, or rather, it sticks out too far from the body? You may be able to see that I actually reduced them for the clothed silhouettes.

More to come, I just thought I'd share what I have since it's been a while.

This is very much a side-project for me, and comments help to keep me interested, so please let me know your thoughts on this, I would very much like to take them into consideration!

Monday 10 June 2019

LotTO Title Graphic and Magic Circle

The current title screen for LotTO looks rather basic at the moment, so I thought about giving it a title graphic. I'm using high-res pixel based imagery when I know I should probably be using vector-based imagery, but currently I just know Photoshop best so that's what I'm using.

The current menu. I do like the visual of the twin orbs in the box, however I think given this is a sex game perhaps something more titillating would be better. No doubt something to consider/address eventually.

My "Version 1" of a title Graphic:

And an asymmetric variant:

I've split this up into two components, stylistically. One for "Furry Fury" and the other for "Legend of the Twin Orbs". As "Furry Fury" is apparently a series name, given DirtyC made a previous beta game called "Furry Fury: Beta at the Beach". I decided to give Furry Fury a Street Fighter inspired logo, going with a brushed font and copying the styles used in those logos:

A previous title idea I'd tried:

In the end I felt it was important to have red and blue in the title, corresponding to the titular red and blue Twin Orbs. The title font also includes two circles in the letter O's which felt fitting. Yes, the white splatter is added for exactly the reason you think. I used retro-style gradients, since I felt that might be a nice visual callback to older side-scrolling action/fighting games.

I felt including some addtional graphic would work well, similarly to some Final Fantasy title graphics. I decided to go with my own version of the magic circle seen around the yellow Protector Orb:

For my version, I decided to emphasise the three circles around the main ring with inclusions of triangles. I'm theorising the outer circles might be for the 3 main characters to stand in at some point in the story, for some kind of magic ritual. I based some of the magic glyphs on what DirtyC created, but added more to fill out some of the other sections of the ring. Finally I added some weathering to the lines, since it seems the Protector Orb has been around for a long time:

Overall I think this could all do with more work, but I think I'm pleased with this as a foundation point to work off from.

Friday 7 June 2019

LotTO "Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs" Art Project Start

I have started making artwork for Flash sex game "Furry Fury: Legend of the Twin Orbs" by DirtyC101 (his blog liked here: ). The thing is, I've been interested in making or at least creating assets for a 2D game, and I also like sexy stuff. Rather than make original content, I am using DirtyC's game as a base. If he continues with his project, I hope that perhaps I can help him complete this game. If not, it will at least be some fan-art I can use to demonstrate my interest in this sort of project elsewhere.

An old concept for Farah from 2017

First up, I am looking to rework the assets for all of the characters. I have started with one of the main Playable Characters, Farah of the Wanderlust Tribe. Although her default appearance is a pale white ginger girl, I decided to base her facial structure more on middle-eastern women, since I feel that's a better fit for a desert tribes people.

Also, since there seems to be a Primary Colour (Red, Yellow, Blue) motif running throughout the story (corresponding to the 3 orbs seen and the main colours associated with the 3 playable characters' races/classes) I felt it might fit better if Farah's hair were also actually red instead of ginger/orange. I've darkened her skin tone slightly, restyled her hair, and made her green eyes a more realistic, less saturated colour.

Experimenting with different faces and slightly different hairstyles.

Imagining Farah's hair is dyed red (maybe with something like henna), and her eye make-up is kohl (perhaps with other pigments to explain the different possible colours)

I made a simple, quick 3D model of the crashed ship, the M.I.S.S. Tomato (it really needs a better name DirtyC), based on the art we have of it.

I took the liberty of adding some details and guessing at some of the forms from DirtyC's art, I think this is more or less what he had in mind. It is still a simple model however. I felt this might be useful for getting a sense of the ship's relative dimensions. The yellow section on the side of the hull represents the area where the name is written.

I'm working on a title graphic, and more player character art/design, so some/all of those should be next.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Starting Something New...

I'm hoping to start more on-going, lengthy projects in future, and blogger/blogspot just seemed like a good platform for documenting such works. We shall see how much I actually use it, but until then, have a catgirl painting.

Leorah, from Corruption of Champions II,
a weird but fun text-based smut game.